Different kinds of foods lower cholesterol in different ways. Some provide soluble fiber that bind cholesterol and their precursors into the intestinal tract and removes them from the body early enough before getting into circulation. Some provide polyunsaturated fat, which usually lowers LDL. While some others contain plants stanols and sterols; this mainly blocks the body tissues from absorbing the cholesterol.
Those with good cholesterol can be found snacking on some nuts, sprinkling a few drops of olive oil on salads or dining on salmon. These are eating strategies that may help reduce cravings for foods high in cholesterol or they lower LDL cholesterol and maintain HDL cholesterol. They will also help in reducing the risks of stroke and heart attack.
The following are healthier foods which can help in lowering your cholesterol. If you’ve already made it a habit of eating them in plenty, good job and keep it up! If not, start including them in your daily diet as you’re able to.
1. Beans
Beans are rich in fiber, and also they contain a soluble fiber that helps in lowering cholesterol. Eating a handful daily, especially kidney, black, pinto, Chickpea or navy beans can help reduce your cholesterol by at least 10% in 6 weeks. The soluble fiber form a layer of gel, which helps in binding cholesterol and acids in the intestines. This prevents absorption into the body.
Beans add fiber and protein to several dishes and can be used in baked potatoes, salads, chili and many other foods. Many people eat beans five or even more times weekly. For excellent health benefit, the National Cancer Institute, as well as the FDA, recommends adults to have 25 – 30g of fiber daily.
2. Salmon
Salmon is a fantastic fat that is heart-friendly. Research has proven that certain fats protect the body from high cholesterol. Salmon especially contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids which helps to lower LDL cholesterol, raise the HDL cholesterol and also lower triglycerides.
Salmon is high in protein since it contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids known as DHA and EPA, which are great for the heart while being low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Omega-3 is also present in different types of fish like rainbow trout, mackerel, sardines, herring and white albacore tuna. It is recommended to try to eat two fish servings weekly, preferably the fatty fish; they are the most abundant source of Omega-3.
3. Nuts
A moderate fat diet rich in monounsaturated fats is usually found in different kinds of nuts like cashew nuts, walnuts and almonds. It may be vital for the heart as a diet in low fat. Nuts also contain magnesium, copper, vitamin E and phytochemicals that make a healthy heart. The monounsaturated fats contained in them are beneficial for the joints compared to polyunsaturated fats that are present in sunflower and corn oils.
Intake moderation is essential since they are high in calories. Aim at including two tablespoons of nuts in the diet, five or more times weekly. Alternatively people can have small handfuls of the snacks 3-4 times weekly.
4. Avocado
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats that are healthy for the heart. This type of fat helps in raising the level of HDL cholesterol while at the same time lowering LDL cholesterol levels. It also contains a plant-based fatl that reduces cholesterol that is absorbed from the foods. The avocado is a perfect cholesterol buster due to the combinations of monounsaturated and sitosterol fats.
Avocados contain higher amounts of calories. The best strategy is to use these delicious vegetables replacing other high-fat food. American Heart Association highly recommends an intake maximizing at up to 15% of daily calorie intake should be from the monounsaturated fat from avocados.
5. Soy
Planning to reduce saturated fats in the diet is the most crucial change one can make to cut cholesterol in the blood. Why is the saturated fat bad for the heart? Usually, the liver uses the saturated fat in making cholesterol. Therefore a diet containing a high volume of saturated fat may increase LDL cholesterol levels. Soy food helps the heart by reducing the saturated fat consumed. The saturated fats are present in animal products like cheese, whole milk, butter and cream, as well as meat like pork, lamb and beef.
Importantly, a diet heavy in beans, vegetables, nuts as well as fruits is perfect for the whole body, in all ways not only for lowering cholesterol. The blood pressure stays in check and arteries remain responsive and flexible. Finally, it’s great for digestive health, bones and mental health as well as vision.
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