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Learn Everything You Need to Prepare for Your Pregnancy!

Jul 20, 2018

For many women who are pregnant for the first time, it can be challenging to know what to expect until delivering the child. Although each pregnancy is different, there are various symptoms and stages to prepare for to ensure that you enjoy the experience as much as possible and can remain healthy. Men may also want to know what to expect as their wife carries a child. This is the biggest moment of a person’s life after all. The creation of a new child is going to change everything in their lives. So read on to get more information and get your questions about preparing for pregnancy.

1. How Should My Diet Change Now That I'm Pregnant?

After becoming pregnant, many mothers are concerned about the type of foods that they should be eating to ensure that the baby can grow and develop in the womb. You not only need to increase how much you're eating, but you also need to eat whole foods that are nutritious. Consider incorporating more leafy greens, whole grains, pork, poultry, and fruits into your diet. Foods that should be avoided during pregnancy include caffeine, unpasteurized soft cheeses, alcohol, and uncooked eggs or meat. A prenatal vitamin is necessary to ensure that you obtain 400 IU of folic acid and at least 200 milligrams of calcium.

2. What Activities Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

Although it's important to stay active and improve circulation in the body when you're carrying a baby, it's also necessary to avoid strenuous activities that can put you at risk. Light exercise is encouraged, which includes activities like pilates, yoga, or walking. Avoiding heavy lifting throughout the pregnancy is important. Speak to your OBGYN to determine if you're healthy enough to fly. Most medical professionals recommend that flying is safe up until 36 weeks' gestation. If you plan to travel, stay hydrated and keep your seatbelt on when the plane is in the air. You'll also need to avoid using the sauna, getting x-rays, painting, or changing a cat's litter box.

3. How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?

Most women are aware that it's important to gain weight during pregnancy. If you're at a normal weight when becoming pregnant, your medical professional may advise you to gain 25 to 35 pounds. Most women gain two to four pounds during the first trimester and one additional pound each week until they deliver the baby.

4. How Can I Prepare for Breastfeeding by Baby?

Breastfeeding may be a natural process after delivering a child but can be challenging for some individuals. Some newborns have difficulty latching whereas some women fail to produce enough milk. Obtain the help of a specialist in the local area to ensure that you have the help of a professional who can assist you through each step of the process. You can find a qualified specialist by contacting the IBCLC.

5. What are Common Pregnancy Symptoms?

Each woman experiences different pregnancy symptoms, which can occur in the first trimester or throughout it. Nausea is one of the early signs of pregnancy, which is often accompanied by vomiting. Make it a point to allow yourself to get up slowly in the morning and snack throughout the day to reduce the effects of this symptom. Avoid consuming fatty foods and get plenty of fresh air throughout the day.

Additional symptoms include leg cramps, hemorrhoids, backache, and heartburn. Indigestion is a common symptom but can be alleviated with chiropractic adjustments or medication.

6. How Do I Create a Birth Plan?

For women who are pregnant for the first time, it can be difficult to understand what a birth plan entails. The birth plan can be put in writing and provided to your OBGYN and nurses. The document can include who you want to be in the delivery room, if you want pain relief, the positions that you want to be in during the delivery, and if you want an episiotomy. Remember that the plan is not a mandate, making it necessary to remain flexible with it.

Although becoming pregnant can come with many challenges and new experiences, you can prepare for the process by conducting research. By knowing what to expect, you'll feel calmer and can remain informed if there are surprises along the way.

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