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Quitting Smoking is Hard: Try These 3 Methods!

Jul 20, 2018

Most smokers are already aware of the numerous health hazards that come along with their habit. They know that smoking can take up years from the clock and cause irreversible amounts of damage to their body and their life. In spite of this, most people who start smoking never really think to stop because of the thought that it might not do much harm to them as is being claimed. However, one of the more significant reasons why the number of tobacco smokers tends to be on the rise is because of its addictive nature.

There are, however, a few things that a person can try when they are trying to give up the habit. While these might not work for everyone, they have proven to be effective on a larger front. At the end of the day, it is about finding something that works for you. These tips can, however, contribute to a better recovery if taken into consideration.

Three Methods To Quit Smoking

1. Replacement Therapy

While going through the process of recovery, the body goes through a phase which could be considered as a form of withdrawals from tobacco. During this period, the body experiences a number of physical and psychological effects. Because of this, it is essential to give the body some form of replacement that can serve as support while one goes through this process of recovery. Replacement Therapy is one of the best manners in which this change can be brought about. In the United States, the FDA has approved five main kinds of NRTs that can be used while a person goes through a process of recovery.

These are in the form of skin patches, chewing gum, nasal sprays, and inhalers. This, of course, is something that must only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional who is proficient in working with people who are going through the process of recovering from tobacco addiction.

2.  Behavioral Therapy

The process of quitting smoking isn’t something that can truly happen overnight. It is something that takes time, patience, and above all, a lot of self-restraint. A person who decides that he or she wants to quit smoking should try as much to stay true to their plan of action to one day see their goal to fruition. However, the act of quitting tobacco is easier said than done, which is why the number of people addicted to it seems only to go up. When trying to quit any addictive substance, having a healthy support system in place is always important. The process of recovery is by no means an easy one and can be even harder to do by oneself. Moreover, doing the recovery process by oneself means that there is no one to oversee whether or not you are sticking to your promise of being clean. There is a higher likelihood of you slipping up and falling back into the habit if the one you are left to your own devices.

Because of these factors, seeking any kind of behavioral therapy has been known to help people reduce smoking and seek the help that they need. A simple process of talking to someone and sharing thoughts, concerns and other facets of one's life can significantly make the recovery process easier, helping a person get through it better.

3. Medication

Seeking medication for tobacco addiction is not unheard of, and can sometimes be exactly what a person needs to be able to quit smoking for good. Even though seeking medical aid for something of this kind of probably one of the best approaches to take, it is something that is ridden in stigma because of society’s perception of it. People often feel like taking medications to help them get over their habit may make them seem weak, even though it is something that can truly make the process of getting over an addiction significantly easier than before. 

There are several medications that are commonly prescribed by doctors to help patients quit smoking. These medications are only provided along with a valid prescription and must be taken only with medical supervision. These medications tend to make the process of withdrawals a lot more severe, but shorter, thereby making them easier to deal with.

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